Personal blog about my family: my son Zack and his future sister Zoey
1 Month
1 month old
Zoey has been keeping me busy. I meant to post her 1 month update a week ago but better late than never. She is starting to outgrow 1-3 month clothes and starting to fit into 3 month clothes. She is smiling and is more alert. She will start daycare in 2 weeks.
We finally decided on a middle name, after much deliberation. She will be Zoey Renee. No dots or accents, however if you did them it would look like this emoji: :/ which I think is funny. It feels like major progress to have the middle name now. I signed up for 2 sets of exercise classes. The first set is a prenatal cardio class that has to be taken before 32 weeks. I will be finishing it just under the wire. After that I will take a more relaxed prenatal yoga class that will go all the way until the week before my due date. I took a prenatal yoga class when I was pregnant with Zack but I took it much earlier in the pregnancy. By the end of the pregnancy I believe it will be valuable, particularly when I'm not sure how much stretching and exercise I can do safely on my own. Clearly I will no longer be swimming by fall, although the weather will be more pleasant for walking. I'm trying to do a day or two a week of lunch exercise with coworkers too. I am definitely feeling lim...
Zoey is such a happy baby. She is drooling a lot these days. She tries to pick up the shapes and patterns on the crib sheets and pack and play sheets. It's pretty funny. Zack is definitely her favorite person followed closely by everyone else. She makes it through the night waking up once, sometimes twice. Zoey is going to be participating in a research study soon that is looking at the brain and development in infants. Hopefully she'll be a cooperative participant. Smiles! Sticking out her tongue Watching the Superbowl together Happy Valentine's Day from Zoey! We are giving her teachers valentines with this picture of her.
After trying several things to get Zoey to flip out of breech position, efforts were ultimately unsuccessful, and as a result, I have a C section scheduled for November 8, two weeks from today. I am wrapping things up at work this week and next and we are doing some final things around the house to get ready. There are a few things left on the to-do list and then I will feel content that we are as prepared as we can be to welcome a newborn into the house. As much as I would like to stay active now, anticipating a slow recovery from surgery, it's not easy. I've had to take it easy and limit outings as walking feels great, but standing and sitting for long periods of time do not. This is no time to be adventurous; I wouldn't want to wind up going into labor or having any other issues needing an emergency C section. Hopefully my next update will be a birth announcement!
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