Second time around... life with a newborn

The first night in the hospital
Bonding with her Daddy

Awake time 
Teeny tiny feet

Burrito time

Sleepy time

It's all coming back to us now... life with a newborn. I've been on the 3 a.m. shift for feedings so that's fun... not. It's fine when she's cooperative and falls right back to sleep. I hope that happens tonight!

Anyway, Zoey is doing well. She is supposed to go 3 hours between feedings but often is starved at 2.5 hours so we feed her early. She's mellow when held and calmer with feedings than her brother was.

Zack loves being a big brother so far. He adores his little sister and wants her to be awake more often so he can interact with her. He especially loves tummy time and getting grossed out by seeing her diapers. I said "Zoey has a special treat for you..." and he came over and looked and saw the dirty diaper- yuck!


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